Final Fundraising Push Starts Here!!!
As we get ready to complete the Pavilion we need an extra big push
from all of you to help see the Pavilion finished and open and become
a great asset to the club.
One way you can help is by asking at your
place of work (or your own company) if they can sponsor the Pavilion.
It could be for 1 year or more.
So we are auctioning the name of the Pavilion and ground!!! to the
highest bidder with the announcement being made at the Opening Ceremony in August/September 2011.
So come on you are a competetive lot, to enter a bid simply e mail
mikeandjanec@googlemail.com. The bid will go on to this web site
and will be updated on a regular basis.
The first bid is already in from Jamie Bird of Pavescape - £250!! for one year sponsorship(For all your paving, driveway and building needs ring 01423862100 or Mob 07791069746.
All bidders will get company publicity on the web site so when you bid
tell us what the company does etc.
The winning bidder will then have the Pavilion and pitch named after
it on all correspondence to other clubs and on the web site.
So as it stands it's directions to the Pavescape pitches at Percy Field Scotton
Lingerfield, this will go in e mails to teams across North Yorkshire
from Scarborogh to Selby, Ilkley to Ripon and locally to Harrogate, Knaresborough and
local villages. There will also be A boards on training and match days
advertising the company, and a prominent sign in the pavilion too.
Hot off the press- Scorchers have just signed up Stray FM to have one of their team running with our bed at the bed race, so.......
Come on everyone get bidding!!!!!!!