Saturday, October 17, 2015



The annual Scotton Bonfire & Firework display will be once again held at Scotton Cricket Club - the fire being lit at 6.30pm with the firework display at 7pm.

As always, Scotton Scorchers JFC will play their part, and will be providing the food, courtesy of our now quite famous BBQ. This is once again with a massive thank you to our long term sponsor Damn Yankee, Harrogate who supply the goodies! Burgers, Hot Dogs and Soup will be on sale, at reasonable prices with bar/refreshments will be provided by the Scotton CC.

Entry is free but the CC will look for donations towards the firework display!

PARKING - there is no parking facilities at the Cricket Club, therefore you are kindly asked to park your vehicle at either Percy Fields or our overflow car park at the Golf Driving Range!
Please park sensibly, as this is a well attended event - be considerate please !!!

So if you can help us in anyway one the day/evening - be it help set up, serve, cook etc please email our Secretary -Mike Collier ( advising what/how you can help or call him on 07979 682670
