Monday, December 01, 2008

Fund Raising Bag Packing : We STILL need you!!

Squad coaches will be inviting all kids (and their parents or other aduts) with this
years fundraising bag-pack - this time at Asda, Harrogate.

We have some attendees confirmed but we need more!! It's just and hour and a half of your time!

Last years at Morrison's was very successful thanks to the help of all
our parents and kids who participated, and this year - as we are iin
the run up to Christmas - we hope to do even better!!!

We have been granted free run of Asda on Saturday Dec 6th- starting
after training, and we will be grouping squads together during the day
to cover as many tills as we can.

Times are:
11-30 - to 1 - u7 and u9 boys
1 - 2-30 - U11 boys and development girls
2-30 - 4 - U11s girls and U12 girls
4 - 5-30 - U14 girls and u 10's

However, if a time other than 'your slot' suits - just turn up for that instead - just as long as we get you there

Remember, all funds raised go towards getting a permanent club house for the Scorchers so it would be great to get all the kids there throughout the day to help!!
Coaches will give you more details if you still haven't confirmed Saturday.