Wednesday, September 29, 2010


The Club was pleased and proud to welcome Gary Hindle (from North Riding County FA) to Percy Fields last Friday.
The session was well attended (12 players in all) with a range of squads, both boys & girls, being represented.
Gary gave a wonderful session, with lots of new ideas for warm-ups and what to do on match days - with everyone closely listening and watching his demonstrations.
It was very fulfilling for all players that attended - and we were very lucky to have such a session with a qualified, experienced GK Coach. Gary even explained some drills he showed us have been used by Premier League clubs & England!!!!
After the session Gary said " It's great to see both boys and girls wanting to be goalkeepers, and training together, I hope to be able to come along again soon and do further GK and Outfield sessions"
A massive thanks to Gary on behalf of the attendees and the Club for braving the bad weather and coming across from Scarborough to give such a great session!
Hopefully we may see him back in the not too distant future??
