Thursday, May 05, 2011


Next season's planning has already started - and with it comes plans to review numbers of players and look at the possibilities of increasing the number of games - especially for the boys.

In order to plan we need a clear understanding of numbers for next year. If registrations are low, we cannot plan to enter extra teams in to league commitments. League commitments have to be made and paid for with the leagues and FA by the end of June.

That said, EVERY existing registered child is GUARANTEED a place next season if they get their registration form and cheques in before or on Funday (22nd May).

Forms received later than this or at the start of next season will not be guaranteed a place as we may not have been able to confirm (additional) teams at particular age groups.

The club will then assess these applications; taking into account criteria such as age bracket, location, siblings, history with team, application to the club, training and most importantly whether we have the full facilities (including league matches) to accommodate all players.

Registration forms attached below, please complete and return to the address provided on the form asap.

Please help us plan for next season.
Download by clicking here. (Word doc)