Thursday, April 12, 2012


 Bagpacking Success
Huge thanks go to all our coaches, parents and most importantly players who attended our recent bagpacking day. We raised £487 on the day which will go towards furnishings for the pavilion. Thanks also to Morrisons Supermarket, who always make us feel so welcome.

Knaresborough Fun Run – Sunday 13th May -  Another big event for the Scorchers, please put your name down to run and get some sponsorship for the Scorchers. Please see below for details. An entry form is available on  and your coaches will be handing them out too. Book through the club to receive a discounted rate, pass entries to your coaches or Georgina Bechellerie!!!
 Dates for Your Diary (Please support your football club wherever you can)
Tuesday/Wednesday 10/11th April –School holiday FA skills days details to follow
Wednesday 11th April – Scorchers Club AGM 7.30pm Guy Fawkes Scotton – Come and have a say in the running of your club.
Saturday 12th May –Football for all event, your coaches will be in touch.
Sunday 13th May – Knaresborough Fun Run – Details above 
Sunday 20th May – Scorchers Presentation and Fun Day –  more details to follow                         

Thursday 31st May – Glen Turnbull CYCLING SENSATION!!!!! (see newsletter for more details)
please cut and paste the link below into your web browser it will take you to a Pay Pal donation page, and please give generously

Saturday 9th June –  Bed Race Day - We need help with dressing the beds and stewards on the day, please call Mike Collier on 01423862724.