Most of you will know the format, basically all the children at the club playing in mixed age teams representing different countries as follows.
Please dress your child in the appropriate colours, they can wear hats, carry flags, have faces painted, anything that adds to the carnival atmosphere of a world cup.
Holland - Orange
England - White
Ireland - Green
Wales - Red
Scotland - Blue
Brazil - Yellow
Germany - Black and White
Argentina - Light Blue
Approximate Timings
10.15am - Arrival
10.30am - Games commence/ Parents Meeting and AGM
11.15am - Break, drinks and snack for players
11.30am - 12.15 Games continue
12.15 - 1.15 Lunch
1.15 - 2.15 Presentations
2.15 - 3.15 Mini Matches (If weather is good)
4pm - Tidy up and close
Parents - Please arrive ready to volunteer for next season, we urgently need your help to run the club.