Saturday, May 16, 2009

FunDay Start Time / FunRun Sponsorship / Kit Return & Early Reg Discount - Reminder

FunDay Next Week. KIds arrive at 10am at Percy Fields. Presentation
evening. Arrive at Scotton Village Hall at 6pm
More details in newsletter. Click below:

Fun Run Sponsorship. Please put money (big or small) in a named
envelope in drop-box at FunDay or Presentation Evening. All enveloped
go into a proze draw raffle on the Presentation evening.

All Scorchers shirts to be returned. Year 6 also return jackets. Kit
drop box available at Fund Day and Presentation evening

Early Registrations for next season being taken at FunDay and
Presentation Evening. £10 discount per child from this years figures.
Early payment helps up be able to concentrate on the coaching next
year PLUS get the last of the funds we need for the pavilion. Bring
your cheque books!
See you next week
The Coaches