Sunday, May 10, 2009

Great show from our Fun Runners today - THANK YOU!

A big 'thanks' from the whole club to all our fun-runners (and the hardy 10k runners) today.
Hope you had a good time, but please remember that as well as this we were trying to raise, through sponsorship of the kids, funds for the clubs facilities. So now the hard bit of the run is out of the way is the even harder bit of collecting that sponsorship in!

Please collect in your sponsorship, however much it is and put it in an envelope with you name on. Either give this to your coaches OR put it in the big box which will be around on the FunDay and Presentation evening.

All named envelopes in the box will be part of a special prize draw in the evening to win one of our football prizes which range from signed shirts and balls to match tickets.
Thanks again
Coaches & Commitee : Scotton Scorchers JFC