Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Bag Packing - BIG THANKS so far and roll on Saturday

We had a great day last Sunday at Morrison raising (we think) nearly £1000 for the club with the bag packing.
This Saturday 28th Nov we are at Sainsbury's Harrogate between 12-4.
We have emailed those who have generously voluterred already to remind you of your slot - but if somehow you haven't known about it or haven't got around to mentioning you are available then PLEASE JUST COME ALONG BETWEEN 12-4. Club Coaches will be be there to organise everything - all we need is you (and the kids in their shirts/jackets) to be there.
Don't be embarrassed. You don't ask for cash - people donate it into the buckets anyway of the kidds smile enough!!! Sunday was actually very enjoyable - and everyone was full of admiration for what we all do for the club and the kids.
It's only an hour or two- and Starbucks do great coffee to keep the 'grown ups' going.
Thanks for support so far and see you at the tills this Sunday.