Sunday, November 29, 2009

Fund Raising Update

We would like to say a big thank you to all the parents and players that have supported the bag packing over the last two weekends. Yesterday we raised £757 at Sainsbury’s to add to the £1,137 we raised at Morrisons the week before, making a total of £1,894 towards the pavilion fund. This is a fantastic effort and a very welcome boost to the pavilion fund.

We have had a little bit more good news this week as well - we had confirmation from the Knaresborough Youth Council that they have approved a grant of £1,000 towards the building of the pavilion. Add in the generous donation from Andrew Lyons for his sponsored 10k run and we have raised over £3,000 towards the pavilion in this fund raising push.

This would not be at all possible without the help and commitment of the players and parents and I would therefore like to pass on the thanks of the Scotton Scorchers Committee for your tremendous support.

Well Done!
