Tuesday, May 18, 2010

FUNDAY Details

11am - Arrive percy fields
11.30am – World Cup Events begin (so please arrive no later than 11.10 to get the teams ready)
11.30am – 12.50pm – World Cup Events (drinks break in the middle)
1pm – Bar-B-Que serving
1.45-2.45pm – Awards Presentations
3.00 – 3.30pm- Inter-Squad Footie Games
3.30pm – Raffle Drawn and Auction
4pm – ‘Grown Ups’ Matches (not for the faint hearted)
4.30pm onwards - Bar/Music continues

For all those who didn't get or missplaced, linked below is a word document of all of the details you need for the Funday; times, teams, schedule - everything!!!
To download (Word Document) - click here