Sunday, May 16, 2010

U12 Girls Win The Cup!!!

The U12 Girls won the Harrogate and District Cup by beating Wetherby 3-1 at the finals at Ripon on Saturday.

We came into the game having already beaten the teams currently in second and third in the league and we would now have to beat the team in fourth to complete the most difficult of routes to the trophy. But after our semi-final win over Knaresborough we were confident and planned to try and play with energy and passion from the off.

Unfortunately it was not to be and Wetherby started the strongest with our defensive partnerts of Jess and Molly having to work hard to contain a determined Wetherby side. Sam was well protected in goal however and Scotton started to get into their stride and win more and more possession. It wasn't until mid way through the first half when Ella swung in one of her now trade mark corners which Wetherby failed to clear that our chance came. Chloe picked up the ball and fired into the bottom corner with her left foot (!) and put us one up.

A free kick for hand ball just inside the Wetherby half gave Emily a chance to fire in a rocket of a dead ball shot which was deflected agonisingly wide by Chloe and soon after Chloe managed to finish the best move of the match, combining passes through midfield and to both strikers, with a left foot drive which unfortunately hit the bar.

Chances for Emily and Chloe were few and far between and the work rate was down on past weeks which meant that Wetherby enjoyed some good spells and our midfielder's, Maddie and Ella plus Steph who had come on for Molly, continued to have to work very hard to contain them.

The team talk at half time was one that demanded more energy and concentration but to continue to press forward and take our chances. Georgina replaced Steph to give us more height at the back and Scotton began to take some control. Georgina's long throws caused Wetherby some problems and we won an increasing number of corners. It was again from one of these corners that Scotton got their second goal. Once again Ella swung it in towards the keeper who parried the ball as far as Emily, whose shot was blocked and Chloe was there to stab the re-bound home, 2-0 with 10 minutes to go.

Lowenna came on to replace Maddie who had worked so hard in midfield and Jess pushed up to replace Maddie while Lowenna slotted into defence where she chased and harried the Wetherby strikers who were now pushing forward to find a way back into the game.

Wetherby caught us napping from a quick throw and with a slick move they created a chance and shot from 5 yards which gave Sam no chance. Sam was picking the ball out of the net having not touched the ball in the rest of the second half. Steph came back on to help out at the back and Scotton pushed on to make the game secure.

The game was secured with 5 minutes to go when Chloe won the ball from a short Wetherby goal kick. She quickly got the ball under control and looped the ball into the empty net from 15 yards out. The relief was palpable and the celebrations showed that the girls got the real sense that they had done it.

The final whistle took an age but it finally came and the celebrations started. Player of the match was a difficult choice. Chloe takes a lot of credit for her superb hat-trick but the award was shared between Ella, who was picked out by the league secretary for being the outstanding player for all her hard work, great crosses and her corners that were again frighteningly accurate, and Jess who once again was solid at the back and kept her focus and concentration throughout the game

Scotton were awarded the trophy by the League Secretary and each player proudly collected their winners medal to add to the runners up medal that they won last year.

Each and every player in the squad can be proud of the contribution that they made to this difficult run to the final and the trophy at the end was very much deserved.

Thanks to Wetherby for a game played in great spirit and to Ripon for hosting the finals. Thanks also go to Eddie Brown Coaches for providing the transport to and from the game and to Zolsha Restaurant who have been our shirt sponsor all season and have been very supportive of the squad.